Pacific Edge Chorus - Our Pumpkin Patch


Ghouls, Ghosts and Elections OH NO! But oh yes – even in our Cdn province of BC. But smoke and mirrors did not stop Pacific Edge Chorus who were costumed up and ready to take advantage of every change dropped in their bucket, because 'Ghouls just want to have fun!'.

Through the creative spirit of Teresa White (returning 'new' member), visionary Norma Ritchie (PR Extraordinaire) and all chorus gremlins, the word was spread of our public invite of a 'Free Virtual Open House' held on Oct 27th ZOOM Rehearsal.  We were 'over the moon' at the success of 21 Guest faces dressing up our virtual Halloween screens. Not what our Membership Chair Suzanne Adams-Barrie fully expected. But Suzanne, Director Julie and our gatekeepers never missed a beat on that night and as they prepared for the ultimate. A job well done by all. An ongoing chore for Suzanne as she keeps tabs on this landslide result.

We sang our welcome song twice since our last MLX Regional update and welcomed two more new members. Our anticipation is percolating and positive for at least one genuinely interested return from our Open House event. You may think 'one' does not sound like much to get excited about, but we see 'one' differently than most. I.e.; There's the infamous 'All' in one'; One is the luckiest number; One for the books; One in a million – See where I'm heading – 'It only takes one' to embellish and enhance a crowd of 50 and  'Where there's one, there's more' - Ya, I bet you're on our WAVE-length now. 

Several of our members attended the Sweet Adeline's' International Virtual 75th Celebration and our Region #26 Fall Educational Event - always a hi-light of conversation at our following rehearsal. For the 75th, SAI requested Regions worldwide to have choruses create a sign in reply to three poignant questions on how covid19 effected their chorus. President Fran Errington quickly asked Judith Sabbald, Treasurer; Frankie Elder, Vice President and Barbara Denbow, amateur chorus photographer and MLX laureate, to grab a question and we went about creating our signs to send off. All chorus signs submitted were to run in a video during the 75th celebration event. Even though it was not a competition, any chance we get to compete with our SAI world sisters, we're all over it. 

Diversity of education and enlightenment through skilled guests like Judy Pozgay, Marcia Pinvidic (who by the way, attended our recent Open House) have always been sought and delivered to our members before and after our world changed. Educational videos are continually searched out and presented at our rehearsals, as well as shared experiences, skills and knowledge from within our chorus. 

Breakout rooms have been successful in conducting our section rehearsals; and recently, a variety of subject matter breakout rooms were incorporated where members can choose subject matter they want to participate in: Singing/vocal enhancements; social media insights and guidance; reading, understanding blips/marks on a music sheet; future events/tours; Show-time – to mention a few. Numbered subjects are sent to us during the week and we choose the number of a subject that we are interested in. When we enter our ZOOM rehearsal on Tuesday, we put our number in front of our name in our cubes, so we will be directed to the subject virtual room we chose. Our chorus continues to enhance and advance rehearsals, to spark our interest.

We have captured that 'we can' attitude and our crews are learning to do things in a different way - from our Director and co-directors; arrangers, music team, dedicated physical warm up; faithful vocal warmup; fundraisers; section leaders; PR, FB and official website; writers; photographers; membership chair and our board that dabbles in it all. We're still being presented with thought provoking rehearsal themes - thanks to Lori Strandlund, new editor of our bi-weekly chorus news bulletin the 'WAVE' (note reference to WAVE-length above tee hee):

'Quartet Corner' continues throughout our physical separation and Rose Justice with Julie have come up with some unique offerings and videos for that segment of rehearsal. Rose's quartet, Chrysalis, held there very 1st in person rehearsal since lockdown. They did it outside, in safe mode style, inside-out positioning stance (say that 3 times fast). It was cool to watch and it worked. Did I hear of a three-some in our chorus that may need a lead – Hmmm. Our chorus WABB (repertoire recorders) still quartet as they keep within their safe bubble to get the job done of producing our learning tracks. You see, it is doable – we just had to figure out a new, safe way.

Preparations for our 'Some Knights Show' is still going forward, thanks to the persistence of Bonnie Dennis and Sue Rees. Our 'Maritime Tour Committee' has updated us recently on their progress:  Dates determined; members deposits almost all in; Tour bus deposit made; Tour route mapped out; Accommodations being researched and negotiated; Tour brochure drafted; Performing and singing engagements being sought; Repertoire old and new being introduced, tweaked and re-arranged, thanks to Julie and music team and the insightful skill of our very own chorus arranger Diane Butler, observed by our blooming arranger Syd Bullock.

Because of the lethal presence of Covid19 and its ugly social effects, the need to extend ourselves and reach beyond was presented. We took this opportunity for a new train of thought and are transitioning into a learning locomotive on a track headed to our outer limits, bearing the capacity to lure passengers along the way. This may have surfaced down the road, but we were prompted to make the change fast and we did it, while keeping within health safety guidelines and rules governing our Sweet Adeline's International and Regional Organization.

Think positive, work on it today and see it in tomorrow - and for gosh sake – SING every day!

Barbara Denbow, Lead


Lions Gate Chorus 2020 – A year in review


Change in Directing Team at Southern Accord