Region 26 Sweet Adelines

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Peace Arch Chorus Fall 2019

In October, Peace Arch Chorus was invited to sing at the Shepherd’s House fundraiser concert in Langley BC.  Shepherd’s House is a mission which shares a weekly meal and fellowship with “Friends from Outside” – the lonely, homeless and hungry.  We were truly honoured to share the stage with so many talented performers - Langley Ukulele group, church choir, several Korean musicians and singers - at this event, and to be able to lend our voices to such a wonderful cause!  Many of the performers, who are classically educated were intrigued that we sing 4 part accapella, and were particularly curious about, but also appreciated the barbershop harmonies.  Their descriptors - mysterious, haunting, must be accurate singing acapella!

Cousins Jude Goodwin and Laurie Prak were part of a Peace Arch group who attended the SAI International Convention in New Orleans - for some, their first SAI competition experience. It was a fantastic experience spending time in that amazing city creating memories with good friends and family which will last a lifetime. 

One of the highlights for Jude and Laurie was the Family Chorus.

“This year’s chorus was directed by the very inspirational Debbie Cleveland and her daughter Jenny Allen. As cousins, Laurie and I had decided we’d like to participate and we were sent two songs complete with learning tracks about six weeks in advance. On-site we had two rehearsals each two hours long. The chorus comprised family members that ranged from young girls to great-grandmothers. I don’t recall a headcount but I’m sure there were 50 or more of us on the risers including members of well-known quartets and even some queens. How wonderful that singers of all calibre joined together to help make this happen. The Family Chorus sang on stage while the audience of thousands waited for final award announcements on Saturday. It was so exciting to be on that international stage! The lights, the enthusiastic audience, the singers making chords ring around me - my heart grew three sizes that day. Thank you to Debbie and Jenny and all the singers who stood on the risers with us”  Jude Goodwin

Peace Arch’s Christmas events.  

In addition to our Memories concert December 07 with special guests (see poster below), the PAC will be appearing as guests on Soundscape A Cappella Chorus concert;  Sing-outs at Christmas tree lighting, Seniors’ complexes, Indoor and Outdoor Market events and as guests with the Langley First Capital Chorus Holiday show.  T’will be a busy festive season.