Peace Arch Chorus Songbirds still Flyin' High


The Peace Arch Chorus alternates weekly zoom rehearsals between Education and Social.  Education ranges from some on-line coach resources (eg Kathleen Hansen) to PAC Director Emma presenting her own power point material on vocal skills, Swing beat etc. 

The PAC Event Coordinators have dreamed up some pretty wacky theme social rehearsals.   Wacky hair was hilarious.  Christmas attire covered the gamut of Rudolph to Santa.  We await the PAC Valentine’s Babes Game photos of the members.  Emma introduced the PAC to the Kahoots game, beginning with SAI Trivia.

Jude Goodwin has developed a unique “getting to know you” game called Songbird. 10 good questions are sent out to all the members to answer. Once a week, Jude chooses one of the answer sets and picks 3 or 4 answers of the 10. She reads them out and chorus members try to guess who the Songbird is based on those answers. Jude has a system of scoring that’s she’s been working on throughout, but basically you get points for a correct guess, and the Songbird gets points for all incorrect guesses (similar to the game Balderdash). Using Zoom, chorus members send their guesses to Jude by private message. Recently Jude has been using fun ‘background images’ in zoom to illustrate the questions. After all guesses are in, the Songbird is revealed. When asked which question she’s having the most fun with, Jude said “I really like “Tell us one strange fact about yourself or your life.’  We’ve been getting some great answers to that one!”  Jude follows up with an email to the chorus that gives the Songbird’s complete answer set and a leaders’ list. 

Questions include, a nickname, what would you do with lottery winnings, how many pairs of shoes, a new skill, your favourite recipe, a conspiracy theory that you may believe in, a proud personal accomplishment, favourite place on earth & why, strange fact about yourself, favourite barbershop song.  Shocking answers!!! Toddler falling out of moving car! Have you ever heard the song, I’m My Own Grandpa?  One of the answers bordered on it. 

The Region 26 tag quartets has inspired the PAC to have their own tag quartets.  

Some rehearsals have a time of sharing the personal pandemic hurdles.  Universally, everyone has a story which can affect your own perspective. For some, their changed household dynamics affect their ability to rehearse.  Students or business personnel on zoom curtail another’s activities.  Fortunately, four members, with other members occasionally, have had the ability to carry on their 4-day weekly zoom rehearsals since Spring 2020. 

The entire Peace Arch Chorus that was primed for Contest 2020 have learned four new songs on zoom and are looking forward to more while we dream of our safe return to the risers with psssttt…2 sisters in the wings!!??

Bev Feick
Communications Coordinator
Peace Arch Chorus

Below top:
Peace Arch Valentine Babes

Below bottom:
Happy Holidays from Peace Arch Santas



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