Southern Accord

News from Southern Accord

So glad we have Covid in the rear view mirror, but looking back, it is remarkable what we learned during that time. Virtual song production, Zoom, Jamulus, applying for grants, FM channel singing – we feel like we had success with a lot of new things. 

Our chorus received a grant from the City of Lethbridge that supported our in-car rehearsals and Carbershop concert over an FM channel last year at this time. We are very appreciative of a grant from the Community Foundation of Lethbridge and Southern Alberta this year that allowed us to purchase multimedia equipment including a big screen, projector, and laptop to facilitate internet access live at rehearsal or via Zoom for all members. We have been able to access resources such as coaching, education programs, and you tube tutorials at our rehearsal venue. This has helped our members stay connected and engaged remotely.  The equipment allowed us to have a great Contest Viewing party this year. 

Another new initiative for us is being featured in a Telus Story Hive documentary about the music scene in Lethbridge. We were filmed, interviewed and then participated in a showcase of artists including a drumming group, rock, and rap artists. It was so much fun to perform for a totally different audience than we are used to. The Telus program is expected to have a large viewership. We’ll share the details of how to access the program when it is available.

We are continuing to support our members in their choice of whether they participate in person or on Zoom, membership choice of full or associate level and to mask or not when we are together. Although we lost a few at the start of Covid, we are still 31 members strong and hope to have a successful membership drive in the fall.


Orysia Blahut


Prairie Gold