Region 26 Sweet Adelines

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Unleash Your Passion: Dive into the Sweet Adelines International Judging Program

Hey, Sweet Adelines enthusiasts! If you've been jamming with Sweet Adelines International for five years or more, the International Judging Program (IJP) could be your next big move. It's a chance to take your involvement to the next level and make a real impact within this awesome community.

The IJP is all about celebrating the categories Sound, Music, Expression, and Visual Communication. Now, the requirements might seem a bit intense, but they're basically a checklist to show how committed and experienced you are with Sweet Adelines:

  1. Membership Loyalty: You've been part of Sweet Adelines International for at least five years. Yep, you're dedicated!

  2. Musical Leadership: You hold a key musical role in your local group, either at the regional or chapter level. You're the musical go-to person!

  3. Competition Buff: You've shown up and strutted your stuff at both regional and International competitions. You know what it's like to bring your A-game!

  4. Chorus/Quartet Competitor: You've been in the mix, actively participating in chorus and/or quartet competitions. You know the thrill of the stage!

  5. Learning Junkie: You've attended music schools—local or global—eager to soak up knowledge and improve your skills.

  6. Writing Skills: You're pretty good at putting musical thoughts into words. Your pen is mightier than the pitch!

But here's the deal: Don't let these requirements scare you off! The IJP is open to anyone who's crazy passionate about a specific category and ready to learn and grow in that area.

Once you've sent in your application, it's exam time! You'll face two tests—one about Sweet Adelines International in general and another focusing on your chosen category. Pass those, and you'll get to trial score competition(s) and attend specialized training until you're all set to be at the "front table."

Seriously, there's no better learning opportunity in Sweet Adelines than the IJP. You don't just dive deep into your favorite category; you get a 360-degree view of all the judging categories.

Interested? You can find the application on the International Website, due every February 15th.

Need help navigating the process? No worries! These awesome Region 26 Judges are here to lend a hand:

Sound: Sandy Marron

Music: Corinna Garriock

Expression: Marcia Pinvidic & Lisa Hunszinger

Visual Communication: Judy Pozsgay & Lisa Greenough

Joining the International Judging Program isn't just about judging performances—it's about shaping the future of Sweet Adelines International's music scene. It's your chance to shine and make a mark on this incredible journey!