Region 26 Sweet Adelines

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Welcome to the fall 2019 Maple Leaf Express!

So many changes! First of all, a big shout-out and thank you to Kim Martin and Yvonne Meyer for all their work on the Maple Leaf Express over the past years. So much effort and work into providing members with a high quality, informative newsletter! They are missed – and we hope they are enjoying all the excitement that a new chapter in life brings!

You’ll notice many changes – the Region has decided to embrace some new technology and is providing our newsletter in an electronic format. Links will take you to the regional website where you can view the full article, as well as pictures and hopefully in the future, video! This is very different, and is a work in progress – you will continue to see the evolution of this information over the next year. Please feel free to send your feedback to

As a new MLX team, we are just getting our feet wet! Deadlines and responses were a bit fluid this issue, as we worked to figure out the process, especially with the new format, but we expect the February edition to be a smoother process and likely have an even different look!

As always, please share your chorus’ stories with the rest of the Region. For the February issue we want to know what you did at the holiday season, how you encourage and retain members, and how you are preparing for competition. We want to hear about marketing strategies, how you use and manage your websites, how you decide and source costumes, etc.! To sum, we want to hear it all! Please have your submissions to by February 14, 2020.

Quartets – the MLX is not just about chorus life – share your experiences with us, give us profiles of your quartets, especially newly registered and changing quartets.

As always, before submitting photos or videos, please make sure your members have agreed to sharing – a simple photo release form for your members is a good way to make sure everyone’s privacy is respected.

Your editorial team consists of:

Brenda Wells, Alberta Heartland Chorus, Mosaic Blend Quartet, Region 26 Communications Coordinator

Louise Percy, Alberta Gold Chorus and Complements Quartet

Faith Warkentine, Battleford Blends Chorus

Jude Goodwin, Peace Arch Chorus

Special thanks to Stacey Rose, Region 26 Marketing Coordinator, for setting up this email template for our use.

Thank you to all contributors! Hope to hear from you again soon!